Monday, January 24, 2011

First Day

I have decided to look through my Great Grandmother, Grandmother and Papa's old recipe box. My father gave it to me a few months ago. It's the 70s two toned green box in the back ground of the photo on my page. Being a child of the 70s, I love the colors. I am very happy my oven, stove and fridge do not match...I have a more updated kitchen, all the better to start reinventing their recipes. I do not want to change them. This is an exercise in remaking old school recipes to include local ingredients and have fun with wine!
My plan with this blog is to tell you the original recipe, rewrite it to the ingredients I can get at a farmers market in town or a local grocer, make it, eat with friends and family, pair with wine and report back.
I want all the feedback I can get and encourage everyone to try your Grandma's recipes!
My first cooking expedition will be this weekend, I need to decipher handwriting for the next few days!

 I have to say this idea was inspired by my family, gone and still with us. I hope we will have many yummy family meals and you as well. Lets decipher and cook!